Co-Founder, Sales and Marketing, Safari Guide
Swiss-German, German, English
Favourite Country
Favourite Animal
Blog: www.yishainthemiddle.com
About Me
I am Isabelle Tschugmall, born in 1989 and from Switzerland.
After ten years in the financial jungle, I moved to the African bush. I am a trained Nature Guide and Trails Guide and responsible for Sales and Marketing. Besides the bush life, my heart blossoms with music and writing and I am an entrepreneur by heart.
I was looking for an adventure again after my time abroad in China, but I didn't know exactly what yet. My flight back to Zurich was delayed, so I bought a book «Breakfast with Elephants: As a Ranger in Africa.» This purchase was probably more groundbreaking than I thought. I literally devoured the book and after two days it was clear to me, I'll do that too. This was in 2017 and since then I’ve done safari guide courses, quit my job and my apartment, sold most of my stuff and stashed the rest in about 8 boxes at my parents’ house. Then in 2018/19 Sofie and I started our first safari company and are now traveling with an incredibly great team and in many different countries.
Currently, I'm commuting back and forth between Switzerland and Africa ... I would never have dreamed of what I experience as a safari guide and entrepreneur. And now two hearts beat in my chest - Switzerland and Africa.
I travel under the name isainthemiddle – Isa in the middle of ... life, wilderness, adventure, ups and downs. I try to throw myself in the middle of many things. I try to spend my days with a song on my lips or with a big smile on my face. Every now and then I also dance through life.
I like to question the status quo, try to meet myself outside my comfort zone, always maintaining respect for everything.